Lisp Machine Keyset Episode 2 – SA Hacker

Here comes the Lisp Machine keyset episode 2.


Symbolics 3640

Symbolics, Inc. was a computer manufacturer that designed and manufactured a line of Lisp machines. In 1981, Symbolics introduced the LM-2 as its initail product. The LM-2 had a complex Symbolics-branded keyboard, which is known as the space-cadet keyboard. Later in 1983, Symbolics carried out the 3600 family of Lisp machines. The 3600 machines had a simplified version of the space-cadet keyboard, known simply as the Symbolics keyboard. The early model of Symbolics keyboard is PN 364000.

PN 364000

It had a simplified layout of less keys than the space-cadet keyboard. The color theme was white/seige/dark gray, maybe not as eye candy as the space-cadet keyboard, but it's still a nice theme. To bring this keyset theme back, and to pay homage to this Lisp machine/Symbolics keyboard, I created SA Hacker.


The design follows to what's in the PN 364000 keyboard. It's simple theme with three main colors. White on dark gray for the alphas and white/dark gray on biege for modifiers. The tricky part of the job is to get all these colors royal to the original keyset. After a long time of working with my friends, we finally get the good matches to the original keyset. As the result, I will use customized customized colors for this design. Besides, I would keep the design simple and temperate, without introducing many more colors, or novelties. I hope the design is clean and durable, which expresses the essence of the hacking spirit among hackers in 1980s.

Details & Kits

Manufacture Signature Plastics
Production MX Mount, ABS double shot
Profile SA 1-1-2-3-4-3


SA Hacker is a plain theme with simple design. I don't think it would be popular, at least not that popular as SA Symbiosis. Despite the minor popularity, there still might be enough vintage theme fans or Symbolics keyset enthusiasts for a practical GB. It's better to keep the kits setup to be simple too. So here comes the all-in-one kit for common 108/WKL/65/HHKB, etc. layouts. Not gonna have a rich kits setup to cover 40s, Ergodox, Ortho keyboards, Minila, etc. layouts.

I expect it would be a small GB, at the MOQ about 75 or so. No intend to put a limit on the sale number. But I don't think it would be a lot of interest and a good sale, so it's not necessary to bother vendors. Instead, I would like to run it myself to get better control on the price. The GB day is not determined yet, but I guess it would be an agile run among friends around when the time is right.


CA66 left

CA66 front

Special Thanks

I would like to give a big thank to all those who helped or contributed to the project(listed in alphabetical order):

  • chyros(GH)
  • impaktor(GH)
  • orihalcon(DT)
  • packman86(GH)
  • taek(DT)
  • webwit(DT)
  • Yock
  • York.Chan(GH)

Special thank to taek. He was really warmhearted and did a lot to help this project. Without his help, this project would not be possible.

Thanks so much!


  1. I would go in on this colour scheme for sure. Would you be able to add UK ISO to this please?

    • Sorry man. We will have a small run that is impractical to add support for niche layouts like UK ISO.

  2. Hello,
    I stepped upon this page by casuality.
    I’m very much interesterd in this set, how can I get informed of when and how to participate to a GB?

    Thank You

  3. Hello,

    can You please notify where and when the GB will start?
    I’m determined to participate but I have no clues about how.


    • Hi,

      Could you please send your email address to jiezhoukb(at) I will let you know when it happens.


  4. Please email me when it is going to a GB. Even without ISO (which a lot of people will want) I really want to get a set.

  5. Are you going to do an IC thread on GeekHack or other sites? This set looks amazing. Please get it to gb!

  6. Can you let me know when this makes it to the group buy stage? Really interested in this color way

    • Could you please send your email address to jiezhoukb(at) I will let you know when it happens.

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