Some Updates

It has been a long time since last post. The pandemic changed the world and our lives. A lot of things were delayed or cancelled due to the Covid-19 situation, including keyboard/keycap stuff. I would like to give some brief updates about my keycap designs, although they were dormant during the past[……]

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距离新冠疫情的最早出现已经有一年多的时间,然而一切仿佛都如在昨天。我最早得知武汉有一种新型流行病,是 20 年一月初在香港的媒体看到相关的报道,当时虽然已经知道是一种类似 SARS 的肺炎,但是由于传播范围和严重性不太明确,并没有引起我的重视。到了一月底接近放春节长假的时候,国内媒体已经不再歌舞升平,开始大量报道。后面形势急转直下,武汉封城,全国戒备。近处市面萧条,而远处水深火热,就像很多人一样,我在老家度过了一个闭门不出每天刷媒体的春节。


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Lisp Machine Keyset Episode 1 – SA Symbiosis

The History of Lisp Machine

History repearts itself. Nowadays AI(artificial Intelligence) becomes a hype zone for academies and industries. It happened before. It’s called AI Boom in the 1980s, when the expert systems rised, and the specified hardware emerged to embrace high-lever programming langua[……]

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Lisp Machine Keyset Episode 2 – SA Hacker

Here comes the Lisp Machine keyset episode 2.


Symbolics 3640

Symbolics, Inc. was a computer manufacturer that designed and manufactured a line of Lisp machines. In 1981, Symbolics introduced the LM-2 as its initail product. The LM-2 had a complex Symbolics-branded keyboard, which is known as the space-cade[……]

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